Monday, 1 May 2017

What Does the Lens of eye Do | Eye Lens Anatomy

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                                           In this Article we read about "What does the lens of eye do". How it works and what is the main role of lens in eye. As you Read in the pervious article How Does human Eye works. 
Lens of eye

What is Lens?

Lens is a a transparent, biconvex structure in eye, along with cornea, helps to refract light to focus on retina. The lens, by changing shape, capacities to change the distance of eye so that concentrate on items at different separations, thus allowing a sharp real image of the object protest important in the frame of retina. The adjustment of the lens is known as accommodation. Accommodation is the similar focus on one image. The lens is more flat on its anterior side as its posterior side.

What is the function of Lens?

The two principle elements of lens of eye are to focus light onto the retina and to help the eye to concentrate on the object of various distance. The lens of eye is rubbery, jelly like structure and located right behind the cornea and is held set up by ligaments that are joined to an arrangement of muscles called ciliary muscles.

Lens of eye do

The tendons and ciliary muscles help eye to focus either relaxing or pulling the lens allowing it more flexibl, spherical and flatter in shape. The adjustment of lens occurs more quickly allowing eye to focus nearby object at one moment and then the far object at the other moment.
                        Sometimes  the eye does not work appropriately or needs additional help to concentrate on items accurately.  Eyeglasses or contact lenses provide the accuracy.The lens of the eye may also become shady with age, which is the condition to know as cataract. Lens replacement surgery is available for people with cataract. The lens of eye may likewise weaken with age, and its capacity to alter from a removed to a close concentration decays and more established people require perusing glasses to right this issue.


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1 comment:

  1. After the age of 40 human body surrounds by many health problems, and cataractis one of them. In this problem natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy and in surgery treatment, the doctor changes the lens of the eye with an artificial lens.


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