Friday, 19 May 2017

What is allergy | Signs Symptoms of Allergic Reaction

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Allergy is known as allergic diseases occur when immune system become usually sensitive and overreacts to common substance that are normally harmfully to our body. In this we will discuss about Allergy and It's sign, Symptoms of reaction This disease cause illness and fever food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and anaphylaxis. Symptoms cause swelling, shortness of breath, runny nose, itchy rashes, red eyes. Food poisioning and food intolerance are also the conditions.

Allergy Sign and symptoms

Sign and Symptoms-

Allergies such as dust or pollen are airborne particles. Most of the cases this cause around areas in contact with eye, nose, air and lungs. In Instance allergic rhinitis also known as hay fever, cause many irritation of nose, sneezing, itches and the redness of eyes. Inhale allergy increase production of mucus in lungs, shorten of breath, coughing and wheezing
On the other side allergies reaction also happens from food, bitting of insect, the reaction of medication such as aspirin, antibiotics such as penicillin. The Symtoms of food allergy cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, itchy skin, swelling of skin. Food Allergy cause asthmatic reaction (Breath problem). On the other hand Insect sting and the reaction of medication cause systematic allergy is known as anaphlylaxis. In this multiple organs are affected, digestive system, repiratory system and circulatory system. It can cause skin reaction, Coma and sometimes the cause of death due to the germs enter in our body by our skin.

Affected Organs:

In Allergy the organs that are affected are nose,sinuses,eyes, airways( sneezing coughing etc), ear, skin,Gastrointestinaltract ( Pain, Vomit, Diarrhea).
allergy sign and symptoms.


The substance that come into contact with skin are such as latex, the common causes of reactions known as dermatitis or eczema. Skin allergies are mostly Rashes, redness, Sweeling inflammation within the skin. With insect stings large local reaction may occur (Redness of skin and the area around the point of hit sting) and this swelling may remains for 2-3 days.

Causes of Allergy:

Substance that come into contact with the skin such as Host and Environmental factors.
  •   Host factor that include heredity, sex, race and age by far the most significant and this increase in the incidence of allergies disorders that cannot be explained by the genetic factors alone.
  • Other is Environmental that is exposure to Infectionous diseases during early childhood, environmental pollution, allergy level and diet changes.


                         The abdominal immune response to food. The wide variety of food can cause allergic reactions but in mostly cases the cause of food allergy is cow’s milk, soy, egg, wheat, peanuts, treenuts, fish and shellfish. Other food allergy is that type of allergy that may effect only 1 person in 10,000 population maybe considered rare. Peanuts allergy are notorious for their severity. Peanut allergies are not the most common food allergy in adults and children. Peanut allergy can sometime be outgrown by children. Egg allergy may effect 1% to 2% of children but are outgrown of children by the age of 5. The sensitivity of protein is usually in the white white part, rather than the yolk. Milk Protein are mostly common in children. Approx 60% of milk protein reaction are Immunoglobulin E. Some people are unable to tolerate milk from sheep, goat as well as from cows, and many are unable to tolerate the dairy product such as cheese. Beef contain a small amount of protein that present in cow’s milk. Tree nuts allergy may be allergic to one or many tree nuts including, pecans, pistachios, pine nuts, and walnuts also include poppy seeds contain oil in which protein is present which may elicit an allergic reaction. It can also transfer from one food to another.


       It is a stable dispersion of polymer microparticles in aqueous medium. In this allergy is caused due to the Rubber part such as dential suites, operating rooms, surgical units. Sweating and rubber areas under the gloves possibly leading to ulceration. Reaction occure mostly to those patients who have been exposed to surgen latex gloves during surgery.


       Mostly 10% of people report that they have allery to penicillin. Because this antibiotic react most of the people and this is the cause of skin disease, redness and often death.

Toxin interacting with Protein:

               Another non-food protein reaction  urushiol-induced contact dermatitis, originates after contact with poison or poison sumac. Urushiol itself is not a protein it is a chemical that react the change the internal membrane proteins and exposed skin cells. Immune system don’t recognize the reacted cell or normal part of body. These are the most poisonous plant(sumac) and the reaction happens through it is dermatological reaction like swelling, redness, papules, vesicles.


           Allergic disease is also caused from the genetics. Allergic parents are more likely to have allergic children. The risk of allergic sensitization and the development of allergies varies with age, with young children most at risk. Overall, boys have a higher risk of developing allergies than girls

Environmental Factor:
                   Our environment is the most important factor in this. We are living in a different country like USA and after some years we move to Pakistan and actually we come to  different environment  and somethings like water cause allergic and the air, food and many things like that are the great factors.

Hope, this is the informative part for you and you get knowledge from this. Stay in touch with for more new update.


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